Friday, June 15, 2007

A few miscellaneous thoughts

I'm am slowly adding to my list of links on the right. Through a few of your comments I've been able to find blogs of others who also struggle with pornography, and its great to be able to share thoughts with each other and draw strength from each other. I only wish I had more time to read through everyone's individual posts! If you have any great links...blogs or resources...feel free to share.

For me personally, the struggle has really from pornography, to just my own thoughts or wandering eyes. I hoping to find the strength to get a better control on these as well, as I know it is the only way to continue to grow towards lasting freedom.

You may have noticed the time between my posts is growing. It's tough to find the time to post. The good news is that as I continue to distance myself from my addiction, the more motivated I am to focus on helping out with housework or more productive things...and the less drawn I am to my computer. I hope to continue to post at least once or twice a month, so please continue to stop by!


Matthew S said...

My recovery blog is

Oh, and if you are moderating comments I would allow anonymous comments here

Under the Mercy,

Anonymous said...

Hello! Here is an interresting pledge you might consider singing it.

My belief is that religious leaders and their followers, should take a more drastic atitude towards pornography.

Till now they did allmost nothing. Just ramblig arround, but no clear measures.

That's why people should take those measures, starting with themselves, and with their close one.

Have a blessed day!