Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hello, my name is Matt. I have begun this blog to share my struggle with against pornography. I hope that sharing my struggles and thoughts will give me strength to live a porn free life as well as encourage those of you who also struggle to live a pure life. Certainly no one is alone in this struggle! I think this is a chance for me to take the time and energy I used to use toward porn and turn it into something more productive that will make me a better person, a better husband, a better father, and hopefully help others achieve the same.

My purpose here is not to judge others or debate the morality of the issue. I have heard enough testimonials from those who feel pornography has ruined their marriage or left them jobless. I also see how my viewing pornography has impacted my life, hurt my relationship with my wife, and affected my relationship with God. This has been enough to convince me of the danger of pornography and that it should be avoided.

Just to give you an idea of where I am coming from...I first started experimenting with self gratification when I was about 10 years old. Not long after that, I was exposed to pornography. At the age of puberty, I wasn't worried about it, as I was told it was normal and figured when my hormones calmed down a few years so would my interest. But of course, that wasn't the case. And as the years passed, I became more and more addicted to pornography...always making excuses as to why my interest would eventually wane. Eventually, I was lucky enough to meet a beautiful woman willing to be my wife, despite my struggles. We got married, and I was horrified that my need for pornography did not fade. I regret to say that more than once she has discovered my continuing struggles, despite my promises to overcome my struggles. Now that we have a son and I see what a huge strain my addiction puts on our marriage, it is not more apparent to ever that for the sake of my marriage and our son, I must be done with it forever. God has blessed me with an amazing family, and it is not worth throwing it all away for a few cheap empty thrills.

Therefore, I hope to post every few days sharing thoughts I have had during my struggles as well as anything else (i.e. news or other issues) that is relevant. I also hope that those of you reading will share your own thoughts and struggles with me. I also ask that you share this blog with others you feel may be interested.

Thank you for reading, and God Bless!

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